Privacy Policy

bestprice99reviews Privacy Policy :
Introduction: The following conditions ("Privacy Statement") is part of the Terms and Conditions Located at bestprice99reviews  govern your use of bestprice99reviews and other BESTPRICE99REVIEWS Websites, mobile applications and any services contained with (collectively, the “Websites”) BESTPRICE99REVIEWSrespects your preferences concerning the treatment of personal information that we may collect from your use of the Websites and your interactions with BESTPRICE99REVIEWSoffline. In accordance with BESTPRICE99REVIEWSPrivacy Statement, this Statement lets you know what data we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it.
We collect information in the following ways:
Information you give us: To use our services we required you to sign up for our Websites, when you do you well be asked for personal information like, your name, email address, physical address, payment details, credit or debit card number, telephone numbers and we might also ask for a Photo of you.
Information we get from your use of our services: We collect information about the services that you use and how you use them, like when you visit our Websites that uses our advertising services, or view and interact with our ads and content, this information includes but not limited to:
Device information: We collect information from or about the computers, phones, or other devices where you install or access our Services device-specific information like hardware model, operating system version, unique device identifiers, and mobile network information including phone number.
Log information: We collect information like your IP address, Browser Name and location.
Cookies and similar technologies: We may be using cookies or similar technologies to identify your browser or device, we also use these technologies to collect and store information when you interact with services we offer.
Information from third-party partners: We receive information about you and your activities from third-party partners, such as information from a partner when we jointly offer services or from an advertiser about your experiences or interactions with them.
We use collected information in the following ways:
Provide, improve and develop Services: We use the information we collect to manage your account, maintain, protect and improve our services like user experience and the overall quality of our services, and to protect BESTPRICE99REVIEWSand our users, we also use this information to offer you tailored services meet your needs.
Communicate with you: We use the information we collect to contact  bestprice99reviews , we keep a record of your communication to help solve any issues you might be facing, we may use your email address to inform you about our services, like upcoming changes or improvements.
Show and measure ads and services: We use the information we collect to provide you personally relevant product features, such as customized search results, tailored advertising.
Promote safety and security: We use the information we collect to help verify accounts and activity, and to promote safety and security like investigating suspicious activity or violations of our terms or policies and to protect from unauthorized access.
Market Research: We use the information we collect to ask our user to take part in market research.
We share collected information in the following ways:
To administrate the requested services: To complete your services, we transfer relevant details to our service provider if any like payment gate way provider, this may include information such as your name, your contact details, your payment details
Applications, Websites and third-party integrations on or using our Services: We provide personal information to our affiliates or other trusted businesses or persons to process it for us, based on our instructions and in compliance with our Privacy Statement.
Within BESTPRICE99REVIEWS companies or new owner: We share information we have about you within the BESTPRICE99REVIEWSand new owner.
With Third-Party Partners and Customers: we share your information, to personal who help us provide and improve our Services or who use advertising or related products like sending out marketing material or for analytical support services, those personal and are not allowed to use your personal data for their own purposes or any other purpose, we share your information to vendors, service providers, and other partners who support our business, like providing technical infrastructure services, analyzing how our Services are used, measuring the effectiveness of ads and services, providing customer service, facilitating payments, or conducting academic research and surveys, these partners must adhere to strict confidentiality obligations in a way that is consistent with this Policy Statement and the agreements we enter with them.
For legal purposes: We will share personal information with companies, organizations, individuals and or governmental authorities it is required by law or, legal process or enforceable governmental request.
Update or delete information about you in the following ways: You can manage the content and information you share when you use BESTPRICE99REVIEWS Websites by accessing the Websites , we store data for if it is necessary to provide products and services to you and others, information associated with your account will be kept until your account is deleted, you can delete your account any time, When you delete your account, we delete information you have posted, such as your photos , if you do not want to delete your account, but want to temporarily stop using our Websites , you may deactivate your account instead.
Information security: we observe reasonable procedures to prevent unauthorized access and the misuse of personal information, we use appropriate business systems and procedures to protect and safeguard the personal data you give bestprice99reviews .
Privacy Statement applies and changes: Our Privacy Statement applies to all the services offered by The Websites,   the right to change these Privacy Statement and any other Terms and Conditions contained elsewhere on the Websites at any time, it shall be your responsibility to check regularly to ensure that you agree to any such changes, if you do not agree to any changes that we have made, you should stop accessing the Websites .

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